Disarming Design From Palestine

Disarming Design From Palestine

A unique, eclectic Palestinian design label now available in Australia exclusively to the Palestine Center. 

Disarming Design From Palestine aims to spread alternative narratives about contemporary Palestine and reflect upon the function of creative practices in situations of conflict.  The design label, founded in 2012, presents and sells useful goods from Palestine, designed by contemporary designers and artists in collaboration with local producers and artisans.

Art and design are deployed as powerful tools that allow serious discussions within a community about their political, social and cultural realities.  It approaches design as a platform for discourse. How can creative practices contribute to a more sustainable society and human-centered economy?

Together with Palestinian and international designers and artists new useful products are developed in collaboration with Palestinian producers in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza. Local resources and existing production methods form the focus of production. Producers are paid according to fair trade standards and Palestinian artists and designers receive royalties for the sales of their products. Any profit that would be made by the sales will be invested in the development of new designs through the organisation of yearly create-workshops in Palestine.

Exclusive to the Palestine Center

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Disarming Design From Palestine


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